
I am a software professional, and I usually write about programming, networking, Linux and other technical stuff. Occasionally, I develop small projects to keep my skills brushed up.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. paul john king

    i rarely post to web sites, but i must let you know how much i enjoyed your unshare and clone articles. i had no idea these corners of the linux kernel existed, and i want to thank you wholeheartedly for shining a light into them. i can already envisage several ways i can use your advice, and look forward to reading more of your articles.

  2. Kees Mol

    I recently replaced XP on the PC’s for some relatives and went to the process of learning how to:
    1. Install Lubuntu
    2. Strip unneccesary stuf, only install (since it is for retired people)
    – Kingsoft office (with painfull process of localization, because it resembles office the most)
    – Sylpheed Mail (because it resembles Outlook Express)
    – Gupzilla (with windows skin resembles IE9), in stead of chrome
    – Default media viewers for picture, music, video’s
    3. Install Luna Windows XP theme on Lubuntu
    4. Install Wine
    – install Windows versions of their games, and a typical dutch cards game cald klaverjassen
    5. Firejail mail and browser
    6. Install Ubuntu software center (it is the mos user frienly I know at the moment)
    7. Enable Firewall (for inbound only)

    That is all they needed. Now the news of one succesfull conversion, generated new requests which I am not looking forward to manually converting them myself (because all my customers are on windows, I am staying on Windows myself).

    Why is not somebody offering this as a distro? How much hours would it take for a Pro to create such a distro?

    1. netblue30 Post author

      Building a new distro is a lot of work. Not only to put all the packages up together, but also to maintain them and build new distribution versions, keep a website, do customer support, maybe keep a forum running etc. Congratulations for your conversions!


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