Tag Archives: Firewall

Securing a Web Server Using a Linux Namespaces Sandbox

The goal of this article is to isolate a small public web server on a simulated demilitarized zone (DMZ) network, and to restrict the local network access in case the server is breached. It is an extra security layer added to an existing home server setup.

Internal DMZ network setup

Internal DMZ network setup

The DMZ consists of an internal network connected to br0 bridge device. On this network I place a Linux namespaces security sandbox at, running a web server. In case an intruder gets control of the web server, he will be running with low privileges as a generic www-data user. The host firewall configuration will not allow him to open connections anywhere outside DMZ network.

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How to Restrict a Login Shell Using Linux Namespaces

Firejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces. It allows a process and all its descendants to have their own private view of the globally shared kernel resources, such as the network stack, process table, mount table.

Started as a simple sandbox for Mozilla Firefox, Firejail was expanded to work on any type of executable, such as servers, graphic programs, and even as login shell.

The program is written in C and only needs libc and POSIX threads (libpthreads), available by default on any Linux platform. The download page provides source code (./configure && make && sudo make install), deb (dpkg -i firejail.deb) and rpm (rpm -i firejail.rpm) packages. Once installed, you can start a program in sandbox as:

$ firejail [options] program and arguments
$ firejail --debug firefox

Default sandbox

To login into a Firejail sandbox, you need to set /usr/bin/firejail as user shell in /etc/passwd. You can change the shell for an existing user with chsh command:

# chsh --shell /usr/bin/firejail

Another option is to define the shell when the user account is created:

# adduser --shell /usr/bin/firejail username

Below is a ssh login session into a sandboxed account:

SSH login into a default Firejail sandbox

SSH login into a default Firejail sandbox

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RCPlive: Inter-VLAN Routing

Ethernet networks can be partitioned into multiple distinct broadcast domains using VLANs. VLAN domains are mutually isolated. Whenever a hosts in one VLAN domain needs to communicate with a hosts in another VLAN domain, the traffic must be routed between the two domains. This is known as inter-VLAN routing.

This document provides a VLAN configuration example for a small network split into two separate VLAN domains: SALES and ENGINEERING. The backbone consists of two VLAN bridges connected by a VLAN trunk. I will use a Linux-based router, RCPlive, connected to the trunk to provide routing between the two VLAN domains and the outside world. On the router I will also enable a number of services such as DHCP and stateful firewall.

VLAN network

VLAN network

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Debian Virtualization: LXC debootstrap filesystem

Virtualization refers to the creation of virtual machines that acts like real computers with an operating system. Software executed on these virtual machines is separated from the underlying hardware resources.

This article discusses LXC, a lightweight virtualization technology built into Linux kernel. The user space LXC tool is distributed with a number of templates that allow the creation of different Linux distro filesystems, usually one template for each major Linux distribution. The problem with these templates is they never work, or they stop working with every new release of LXC tool or of the particular Linux distribution. This is the case with all Linux distributions, and Debian is no exception. Currently, the Debian template is borken under “wheezy”. The relevant Debian bug is here, and history shows that as soon such a bug gets fixed, lxc user space driver changes again and breaks it. It could be worse, in Fedora LXC was broken in Fedora 15 and it was never fixed.

The simple way to handle the problem is to forget all about the template mechanism and roll your own containers. In Debian you can build the container filesystem using the standard debootstrap, or mount read-only the host filesystem, and then use lxc-execute to start a simple bash session inside the container. In this session you can than start all the programs you need to run in the container. It is an application container, very similar to the containers created using the official ssh template distributed with LXC.

The virtual machine I will describe in this article uses a root filesystem build using debootstrap (apt-get install debootstrap). The procedure is simple and it should work on any Debian machine. It will probably work also on any other distro based on Debian, such as Ubuntu, Mint etc.

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Debian Virtualization: LXC Network Isolation

Linux containers (LXC) is a lightweight virtualization technology built into Linux kernel. In my previous article, Debian Virtualization: LXC Application Containers, I have detailed the steps to configure and run a simple application container using LXC. LXC application containers are very lean and consume strictly the resources the application requires. This is in sharp contrast with other virtualization technologies which are running a full Linux distribution in VM.

The container uses its own file system, built by mounting read-only the relevant directories from the host file system. The host is an older computer running Debian 7 “wheezy”. The virtual machine is controlled through GNU screen if the VM was started automatically at boot time, or through a regular xterm.

One thing I left out was the networking stack. In my Lighttpd web server example, the VM uses the same networking stack as the host. This could become a problem if someone manages to compromise the web server: the intruder could then probe the networks connected to our host, in search for the next victim.

In this article I’ll modify the VM to run on a separate networking stack. I will place the VM on its own network segment, connected to the host through a Linux bridge interface. I will then go and set up the host firewall using iptables. This effectively isolates the VM and limits the potential damage that could be inflicted on the larger network. The final setup looks like this:

Network setup

Network setup

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How to Install and Configure RCP100 Routing Suite on Debian 7

Software-based routers have always played a role in the Internet, and are becoming increasingly important in data centers due to the convergence of video, mobile, and cloud services. Data traffic no longer moves simply from the subscriber into the network and then out again. Instead, most of the traffic is located inside the data center between various application servers within the network.

All this traffic can be routed easily using software-based routers running on commodity PC hardware. Such a router looks like just another server in the data center, and most of the time it is implemented using open-source software. The availability of the source code and the right to modify the software enables the unlimited tuning and optimization of the network traffic.

This article describes how to set up RCP100 routing suite on a Debian 7 computer. RCP100 is a full OSPF/RIP router for Linux. It works on 64bit computers, it is licensed under GPL, and it is actively developed.

The computer I am setting up has two Ethernet interfaces, eth0 ( and eth1 (, and it is meant to connect a small private network segment ( to the larger public network. To isolate the private network, I configure Network Address Translation on the router and enable the firewall. Computers on the private network are assigned IP addresses using DHCP. The router also provides NTP and DNS proxy services.

Network setup

Network setup

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